AFUC Story

Fulosophy - Season 1

04 dec, 2022
a AFUC Images

Pilot episode - Two letters

FUCK YOU, abbreviation: FU.

Episode 1 - Statements

FU is a reaction, it's a dissent, it's a protest, it’s a strong opinion, it's a solution, it's a liberation, it's a choice, it's a relief, it's irony and self-irony, it's a trend, it's FU

Episode 2 - Refusals

FU is not hate speech, it is not bullying, it is not an envious comment, it is not slander, it is not absolute truth, it is not closure to discussion and to exchange of ideas, it is not moralizing, it is not hypocrisy.

Episode 3 - Inclusiveness

FU is for everyone, for every point of view. FU is good for everyone, for those who send it and for those who receive it. FU is not hate speech, we love everyone. I love you but you deserve a FU. A FU sent brings relief, a FU received brings understanding and compassion for others. We all need to say what is really in our mind - "it bugs me, it hurtsme" - but we all have to understand when others live in a distress situation because of us.

Episode 4 - Awareness

Our FU is good, it doesn't incite fights and controversies, but it is the awareness of what we are experiencing: contexts, relationships or feelings. It is a conscious manifestation of one's state of mind that does not need to have replies, does not require a dialogue, a clarification or anything else that has the aim of forgetting or deleting FU.

Episode 5 - Metaverse

FU is our metaverse, it's the place where we can VIRTUOUSLY fuck people. In real life this is not possible, because FU is linked to unpleasant episodes, to outbursts due to anger and stress.

Our FU is a FU with a thought and this thought needs a new context in which it can be manifested: the metaverse.

Our FU is a manifestation of discomfort, it is the sensation of feeling bad in some real contexts: we manifest these feelings in our metaverse with a huge and generous FU

Episode 6 - Shades

There is not a single type of #MOODFU, there are all the ones you need, for every situations.

There is the FASTFU, the quick mood: you have just a moment to respond, it is the super-fast reaction of your mind.

There is the TOXICFU, the poisonous mood: you have to free yourself from all the toxicity of scams, betrayals and bastards.

There is the UNEXPECTEDFU, the unexpected mood: you suffered, you temporized, you were patient, but in the end you broke out and no one expected it because you are a mild person. There are 100 + shades of #MOODFU!

Episode 7 - eternity

"it's well known, the words fly away and the writings remain". ...indeed even the writings don't survive… FU instead is like a diamond, it is forever, it is eternal, it is perpetual, it is immutable: it is on the blockchain.