Futters or Futteds
There are no favoritism here

A FU Company

Why We Do This

There is a moment in everyone's life in which you need to give a FU or ...to receive it. We are fan of the FUlosofy and we believe that every FU is a form of art.

Explore FUlosofy

An irrepressible desire to tell someone to fuck off?

w/ mastodon, fediverso, twitter or mail: send FU to whoever you want...it will be an unforgettable moment for both

Collect your Wonderful #MOODFU - NFT & Send FU via A FU Comapny

A #MOODFU - NFT is like a diamond: it is forever! Collect #MOODFUs and FUs: so you will never forget that precious and crucial moments and your FU will keep shining!.

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Collect NFTs and send FUs

There is a FU for everyone, #MOODFU for every situation